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Inside The Ultimate Organizer

The Ultimate Organizer: Organizing Your Home

Home is where the heart is. It’s also where the bills are, the broken vacuum cleaner, the dirty air conditioner filters, and the endless list of necessary items to stock the pantry, medicine cabinet, and, ah, the bar. Maybe we should start there. Is it too early for a dry martini or did one of us forget to buy the green olives? Somewhere along the line, we realized that even if you live alone, taking care of a home takes up all the time you’re willing to give it and then some. What we needed was a super manual like The Ultimate Organizer to help take care of the home before it devoured us, and no one even knew we were missing.

The Ultimate Organizer For Your Home

We included these checklists not only to preserve our sanity, but frankly to also prevent red-faced embarrassment. Ask Barb. With all good intentions, she went to the store to buy the ingredients for her cabbage soup, and hours and hundreds of dollars later, she realized she’d forgotten the cabbage. Or here’s another one. Your houseguest announces that the guest bathroom has run out of toilet paper. (I wonder what they did in the meantime.) Or what do you do when your dishwasher leaks during a dinner party and floods the kitchen, and you can’t find the service repair phone number? Don’t you just hate it when your guests don’t know how to swim?

So, for everything that could go wrong and does, we’ve included some rather compulsive checklists, reminding you of what you need at the store without wandering the aisles and how to make sure the entire house gets cleaned (and not just the things you can see). God forbid your mother comes over and runs her finger over a windowsill layered with dust. We’ve even included suggestions as to what to have on hand the next time a guest spills a glass of red wine on your white carpet. Note to self: Buy a case of soda water or consider not inviting the perpetrator back. We even tell you what to do should a natural disaster strike. Is your son in college bringing his girlfriend home for the weekend considered a natural disaster?

Here’s our best advice. Complete the forms. Review our checklists. We’re certain you, too, will discover home is where the heart is… without the heart attack.

Preview the Ultimate Organizer. Download a sample of the Home forms. Click Here.

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