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Inside The Ultimate Organizer

The Ultimate Organizer: Family Health & Medical

The good news is that today we know so much more about keeping ourselves, and the people we love, healthy. The bad news is that there is so much more information we need to remember and store – dates of immunization, names of drugs, specialists for every part of the body and for diseases we haven’t even heard of. At this point, we can’t even remember the name of the herb we’re taking to improve our memory. And let’s face it. The older we get (and the people we have to take care of), the longer the list of physicians, medical insurance policies, and hospital group numbers.

The Ultimate Organizer - Health & Medical

And not to be petty, but nothing drives us loonier than losing our contact lenses or reading glasses and not having out prescriptions at hand. We’ve spent many an hour squinting at labels before buying a pair of those drugstore babies. An oh-so-attractive look you probably know so well.

The need to get our hands on vital numbers and information happens at the most unexpected times. While playing with her neighbor’s new, adorable puppy, he not so adorably bit down on Nadine’s finger. Sitting in the emergency room, contemplating a lawsuit (suing a puppy wouldn’t play with a jury, would it?), Nadine couldn’t answer the one question her physician asked, “When was the last time you had a tetanus shot?” Now the names and dates of her tests and shots are written in her Ultimate Organizer in indelible ink.

Of course, there are important diagnostic tests we’re supposed to take every year. When was the last time you had a chest X-ray? But if we don’t write down what the test is, when we look at it, and when the next one’s due, what’s the point? And can we just talk about the contents of our hospital bag before we created our checklist? Without going into details, let us simply to bring your own nightgown or robe. Take it from us, when walking the halls, it does a lot to hide what the hospital gown doesn’t, if you catch our drift.

Fill out our health insurance and prescription drug forms and never again have to scramble for vital information. We’ll watch your back, and every other part of you as well.

Preview the Ultimate Organizer. Download a sample of the Family Health forms. Click Here.

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